this
blog
is
completley
pointless
if
you
are
looking
for
a
blog
that
is
about
somthing
that
is
not
pointless
you
are
looking
in
the
wrong
place
and
if
you
do
find
somthing
that
isn't
pointless
you
did
not
find
it
here
because
this
blog
is
100%
pointless
:P
if
you
are
wondering
why
i
made
a
pointless
blog
the
reason
is
so
that
i
will
get
to
lvl
and
be
able
to
post
pointless
pictures
in
my
pointless
blogs
so
i
guess
this
blog
post
isn't
really
as
pointless
as
it
seems
eh?
:P