Cynder2 / Member

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Cynder2 Blog

I'm getting a 360 for Christmas

Alright, so Ive been askin 4 a 360 4 soooooooo long and my parents finally agreed. Im gettin da pro for $260$ but i have 2 pay $100$. The first games Im gettin r Halo3 and MGS4. I allready am da best at Halo3 cause I play online all the time at my friend C.J.'s house. Griffball ownz but some peeps r 2 good. there shood b some "2 good" system. I am good and i still get pwnd by some obsessed people. Anyway stay tuned 4 some blogs on 360 games.

Sonic Unleashed for the win! :-)

Hey I'm back and I got Sonic Unleashed. It's kinda Awesome!!! It pwnzzz!!!!!!!! The Hedgehog stages are the best everrrrr besides the original. It ownz Chronicles, Rush, Adventure, Adventure2, heros, shadow, riders, and riders zero gravity. Unleashed for the win over secret rings and the dark night (well maybe the dark night, stay tuned 4 my blog about that). It has greatttt day missions and scale boss battles that are impressive for their fps. It captures sonic's speed better than any 3D game Sonic team has come out with. The night stages on the other hand, are a bit of a downer. There are an equall number of day and night stages except that the day ones take 2 mins and the night ones take 10mins. So you will end up playing the night missions once but replaying day missions 3 and 4 times. my rating is 9.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you agree I will add you.