Fanboys a blaze on all sides. Bound to happen. I'd just like to say that I love this article. It grabbed me the second I saw it, and kept me reading until then end. Which says something as in the middle of it I went to go see 300... And had the article been lesser I probably would have stopped caring and forgotten about it on the ride home. Sony needs to focus on their market. They're not making cheap Blu-ray players, they're making expensive game consoles. All too often I hear Sony fans try and lessen the blow of the price point of the PS3 by telling me that Blu-ray players can cost in the thousands. Only that doesn't concern me. I don't really have any Blu-ray discs that I want to watch. My favorite movies are on DVD, and I'm quite content with that. I also don't own a 1080p big screen HDTV, so I don't think DVD's lower resolution is going to bother me just yet. When I bought my PS2, I knew why I wanted DVD. It looked and sounded better than VHS, lasted longer, and was easier to deal with. Not to mention the extra features. I was willing to spend more on a game system due to this massive leap, and it also came with a massive leap in game quality as well. However the same can't be said with the PS3, or the 360 for that matter. But to be fair the 360's price isn't a massive leap, while the PS3's really is. I'll eventually buy a PS3, but right now it's on the very bottom of my list for 'must haves' when it comes to my entertainment center... However the much cheaper and higher quality Wii is near the top.
I only wish they had added Silent Hill 2 with 4... That and the lack of support for Metal Gear Solid 2 seems a little off... maybe sour grapes.... I can only pray that Shenmue 2 will make it on the list...
1. Dragon Quest IV (PSX) - It's a beautiful remake of one of the most amazing J-RPGs of all time, and only those who can read Japanese can really enjoy it... Need I say more? 2. Way of the Samurai (PS2) - For anyone who loves Yojimbo and simmilar movies this game is a must have. A free story, an great sword fighting system, and a windswept main street. 3. Shenmue (DC) - A true classic especally for those raised on Kung Fu movies. A brilliant story that looks as though it will never get finished. 4. Silent Hill (PSX) - While some have become enchanted with the series due to the movie, or some of it's later games, those of us who caught the series at it's inception have a warm spot in our hearts (as well as the fear section of our minds) for this title. 5. Resident Evil 4 (NGC) - Who couldn't feel cool playing this game. While I may be a big buff on zombies in the Dawn of the Dead vein and the change away from them had me jaded, The first time I was decapitated by a Chainsaw weilding maniac all of that didn't matter. I still see the remake of the orignal Resident Evil to be a better game, but I don't feel nearly as bad ass playing that as I do durring the knife fight, or any one of the hundreds of other memorable moments in this masterpiece.
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