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TDA episode 5 part 2

Rebecca: oh I don't feel good (throws up)

Geoff: Okay um why don't I go get some tissues (unlocks cuffs)

ReBecca: Wait don't


Paige: aw it's a ladybug (picks it up)

DJ:AH (unlock) AH(runs away)

Paige: hm

Chris:Okay we are down to two teams the Bridgette Mike duo for bass and Owen and ezekile for Gophers

Mike: So then he was like ah an I was like dude come on

Bridgette: Ha

Mike: Yeah it was cool that day

Owen:Then I...... oh shoot I have to go to the bathroom wait right there (unlock)

Ezekile:(slaps his head)



Ezekile: well I say Owen eh?

Cody: Owen and I so scored Gwen (air gutaires)

Gwen: Owen and if you think I like Cody un-un he might be useful later

ReBecca: Owen

Geoff: Owen

Brandon: Owen

Sadie: Matthew

Katie: Matthew

Matthew: Owen

Noah: Cody

LeShawna: Cody

Duncan: Owen


Chris: I have 3 people remaning and only two trophies(other people got there trophy except for Cody Matthew and Owen)

Chris: Matthew

Chris:............................................ cody

Cody: (winks at Gwen)

Gwen:(winks back then turns away and looks in disgust)

Chris: Owen sorry but you have to go

Owen: BYE ....(crys)

Chris: Well that means Heather, Lindsay, Justin, Eva, Trent and Owen are all out

Owen: wait Justin is there dock of shame here I come

Tell me your fav. part and tune in saturday for TDA episode 6

TDA episode 5 part 1

Chris: Actors mabye some of you will remeber this challenge

Hand CUFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gwen: dang!!!!!!

Chris:Gophers you will have one group of three here are the groups

1) Duncan & Gwen

2) Noah Leshawna and Cody

3) Ezekile & Owen

4)Matt and Sadie

5) Brandon & Katie

6) ReBecca and Geoff

For Bass

1) Izzy and Jack

2) DJ & Paige

3) Harold and Courtney

4) Mike and Bridgette

5) Beth and Nick

Geoff:What's the challenge Chris

Chris:Nothing you will each be given a key to release yourselfs all you have to do is surivie with you partern for as long as you can if you hate him take the key and unlock yourselves but you might cost the team

Everyone: Okay


(12 hours pass)

Harold: Then got hypoclicimic and had to get the dart removed from my

Courtney: I don't care

Harold: Don't you want to, (Courtney unlocks her self)

(Ding) Bass:4 Gophers:6

Gwen: I miss Trent

Duncan: I don't I am glad he is gone

Gwen:wait so you convinced evreryoneto vote for trent

Duncan:Well yah

Gwen: an I smacked Cody for no reason ( She see's Cody with Noah and LeShawna and starts to cry)

Gwen: I have to go apoligize (unlocks herself)



Gwen:Sorry for um.. smacking you the other night

Cody:it is okay

Gwen:(leans in to kiss him)


Cody;(unlocks cuff while Noah looks in shock) Wait up.


Beth: And on the farm we had to milk the cows and got to milk my friend

(looks at handcuff which Nick unlocked hours ago)


Izzy: Yeah and then he chopped his ear off

Jack: Cool

Izzy: You like my story

Jack: yeah (kiss)

Lindsay at PDL Aww how sweet wait Jack don't


Ezekile:Wow tell me more eh

Mike: Your really cool

Bridgette: awww thanks I will remember that

Sadie to Matt: Yeah and then he had realy bad breath and

Katie to Brandon: He was such a loser

Brandon & Matt: We don't care (unlock )

(Ding) Bass 2 Gophes 2

Cast your votes for the team you want to win who to get off and your fav. Part tune in tomorrow for part 2 of TDA

TDA Episode 4 part 2

Hi I might want to go against your votes this one time and throw you a curve ball and I will make a TDA blog tommorow and Thursday because I get bored on thoose day's well here it is.

Chris:Welcome back and Courtney's classical music registered 7/9 on the Grand master chef scale now here is the egghead him self Noah.

Noah:Romieo is east and Juliet is the sun rise rise (continues speaking sheakspere wile everyone but Owen cries)

Owen:Ha, ha,ha (noah gets mad)

Noah:Owen shut up

Chris:Let's see what GMC say 5/9, Bass need all 9 points to win can Little Wayne pull it off let's see

Nick:Yo you scratched my CD you picked it up you through it down ya scratched it man that ani't right Word!!!

Chris:Ok Grand Master Chef says 9/9

Bass win

Gophers one of you go bye bye



Duncan: I convinced a few people to vote off Elvis so Trent














Chris:Gophers I only have 1 trophy on my plate (owen and trent look nervous while the other who have recived there trophy's get ready to hear the news) the final trophy goes to.................

Owen. Trent: Not again

Gwen: who did this

Gwen:wait Cody you did

Cody: why me

Gwen:I heared you say that to get me you'd have to get rid of Trent

Cody:But I.....(Gwen slaps him hard in the face he is bleeding)

Duncan:(looks away like nothing happened)

Trent: well see yah later Gwen

(Al the Gopher except for Duncan and Cody wave bye to Trent)

Tell me your fav part and just this time there will be an episode released tommorow Bye

TDA episode 3 part 2 AND episode 4 part one

first off sorry I got caught up yesterday and here is what was supossed to come out on Sunday and then there is todays ep.

Chris:We return to our game the Bass have bases loaded and Eva is up to bat she is getting ready and she hit it. It is gone the........ WHAT

Noah:Owen Cody Trent move 6793 alpa delta

Owen: there you go buddy

Noah: got it oh no it is slipping

Gwen:What did you(the ball lands in her glove)

Chris:Gophers win again

Eva:We suck

(In confession cam)

Eva:I vote preety boy off












Chris:I only have 1 trophy left on my platter (eva, Justin, and Jack are left)

The final trophy goes to....................


Lindsay at pdl:Go baby

Chris:eva and Justin you are both going

Justin:Come on Chris just look at me you want to loose this

Chris:Yeah Bye

(later that night)

Owen:Hey Courtney weres Justin

Courtney: He left the island



TDA episode 4 part 1

Chris actors:I think you will enjoy this challenge a 2d Talent show

Gwen come on

Chris:DJ, Harold, Bridgette, and Trent you can't compete insted you team will choose 3 diff. people to do their talent

Gophers:Okay who wants to do their talent

Noah:Alright I will voulenteer

Gwen:what talent

Noah:See at the talent show

Cody:I can play keyboard

Gwen:You are in



(Courtney hands a paper to Bridgette)

Bridgette:what is this

Courtney:A restraing order but it is just untill tommorow

Bridgette fine by me

Courtney:Come on one hug first

Bridgette:okay(punches Courtney)

Courtney:Just get 100 feet away please


Gwen:I can do poetry

Trent:Cool we're done



Paige:I will do cheerleading

Courtney:I will play violin

Nick:I can do my Little wyane impression



At the talent show

Chris: Bass you are up first

Paige;Hit it

(she dances around no music and trips and falls off stage)

Chris:chef say 3/9 oooooooooo so close

Chris:Gophers you go

Cody(plays keyboard amaizingly)

Chris:Chef says 8/9



Courtney steps out and plays her violin

Chis:Vote for your fav. and the team you ant to win and tell your fav.part tune in tommorow to see NIck and Noah's act and courtney's score and see who gets the boot.


tDA episode 3 part 1

Chris:Welcome back to TDA and our poor idiot Lindsay left Tyler heartbroken and got the boot for that so long. Well anyways our actors will have to shall I say it batter up for todays challenge on TDA

Chris on megaphone early in the moring.:Hey batta batta hey batta batta swing

Gwen thows cody out the window and he hit Chris

Chris:Hey Get off of me

Cody sorry hey isn't she hot

Chris yeah you just have to get Trent out of the picture and then paw pow yougot her

Gwen yeah right like Trent will slip through my hands a seond time


Chris:Okay today your challenge will be america's past time..........



Cody:wat why so happy

Matt :I know everything about baseball and I was the 4th best player on my little league team

Cody: wait what legaue

Matt:Claremont Cal.

Matt:OMG Cody Smith

Cody:Matthew Staford

Gwen:Isn't that just rip your heart out

Duncan:literaly (gags)

Chris:Well okay get to your teams dug out and Bass bat first gophers send out your outfield

cody:Okay so me, matt, brandon, trent, Gwen, Tyler, Geoff, NOah, and ummm Duncan will go in first

Gwen:But I don't know how to......Break

Trent:just give the ball to me when you get it


Chris:Batter up okay this is a tree inning game best of 3 wins play ball

Cody is pitching and Bridgette is up to bat Cody pitches it and Bridgette smacks the ball to fist base where Gwen is insted of picking up the ball and tagging first base she throws it to Trent in the outfield


Noah:Nice one Gwen you cost us a run

Gwen:let's see you try

Noah okay wathever

(Jack comes up to bat and hit the ball so hard)

Noah:Owen code delta 9587

Owen fling Noah and Noah cathes the ball

Noah:Gwen that is how it is done

(The Bass finaly strike out and only got one run)

Gwen: Okay were up Cody go first

Cody(smiles winks at Rebecca)

Rebecca winks back

Eva is pitching and Cody hits the ball in the sweet spot

Chris:It is going it's going it is gone

Cody yeah

(another inning goes by and the score is Bass 1- Gophers- 5 )

Chris:The first inning you basicly saw but science the 2d inning was boring heres a recap

Matthew scored the second run for Gophers then Brandon scored 3d while eva is attacking justin for not even trying to get the ball ( Justin comes flying into Chris)

Chris:dude what happened

Justin:eva all eva

Chris:Okay then Rebecca scored 4th and Noah (I know) scored the 5 run for Gophers

Well this is it Bass bat first in this last inning and if they can't win it is over

Cast your votes for the team you want to win and who you want of the show tell me your fav part Okay good tune in tomorrow for part 2

My Day 12/5/08

Morniging: Had P.E. and it is Basket ball my second fav. sport I am the 2d best on my team so were good then came back to ... ugh learning. Corrected a workbok page and math pages. Then break just talked to friend about annoying people in our grade. Well after break we came to our roomand almost finished talking about math when these fourth graders came in and were collecting toys for a program called Toy's for Tots were we bring in new toys and if our room bring in the most weget to e on the news. Well our room brought in 33 toys from Wendsay to Friday and I brought a sock monkey. Well any ways after that our teacher got in to this 45 min disscussion about home forcloser and how much a house that she saw dropped so much it was sad :(. After that we got a phone call from the lunch lady and she needed someone to help her so My teacher asked who has never ever ever done it and only my best friend and the girl I like who sits right next to me (she had her hair so HOT today) if anyone wants to know why I like her leave a comment if you would like me to. Well my friend won I rooted for my girl but she lost in rock, paper,scicorrs.

Lunch happend and we played tag 3 rounds and each time I hid with my friend 1st round we won cause they wanted to start over second time a guy came up to my NOT friend and tagged him and he tagged me. 3d one me and my friend were tricked when yah..... I will tell you later. We came in from lunch and red afterthat we watched a wierd video about KINDNESS and after that we played a game were we said something kind to a person that we called on I was 4th picked my friends was 27th picked :( well the nicest guy in our school choose me and said "I get work done and am fun to be with" and I turned red but other people like the girl I like had a hard time thinking of something nice for her friend and craked up she was looking like she was going to blow up. :lol: After that we went home and I have soccer practice tonight at 6 and then it will be Saturday anways see yah

Dominic S 12/5/08 I am going to a CHRISTMAS PARTY TOMMOROW YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TDA episode 2 part 2 "Hot n' Coldhearted"

Cody,Gwen, and Noah:OK we have to find a way to make Bridgette give up any ideas

Cody:Yeah "Look Geoff is taking of his shirt for Paige

Bridgette:NO way storms out and looses Gophers:yes

Chris:Gophers win and Bass one fish is going home

All the Bass meet except for Lindsay and Jack

Courtney:Ok we should vote off ..... (Tyler walkes by crying) why are you crying

Tyler:Lindsay dumped me for Jack

OK lets vote for Jack or Lindsay







Jack:ahhhhh Lindsay is so hot








Cuts to bon fire were everyone got a marshmellow except for Lindsay and Jack who are making out

Chris:The final marshmellow of the night goes to ........................................................................


THey stil make out

Chef:I got it (he grabs Lindsay)

Lindsay keeps kissing and is kissing Chef's face


Chef(looks disgusted)

Chef:IN you go

At Play de loser

Lindsay:HI heather

Heather:Uhh what did you say about my heart

Lindsay:that it is a bowl of sunshine

Heather:but you said

Lindsay:THey edited my word ok

Heather :OK friends



(heather walks away)

Lindsay: (after the hug to her self) She is cold

OK tell me how you liked it and your fav part next episode is on sat. tune in on sat. and vote for your least fav.


TDA Episode 2 part one "Hot n' cold""

Chris:Last time on TDA well to put it in a quick way Heather was voted off (haha yes woo hoo!!!!)

And today the actors will be put to two differnt extrems all today on TDA

Chris walks into buffet arrea actors today you will be put to the EXTREME

Gwen: What ?

(Chris take them to the dodge ball court but this time one dside has snow and the other is heated to 95 F):OKay Bass send up on person to do the coin toss and Gophers you to

Eva:I will go

Cody I will go

Chris:Okay I will flip a coin and call heads or tails (flips) Eva:Tails Cody: T----Heads

Chris:TAILS So EVa choose which side your team want to be on Cold or Hot.

Eva: Cold

Chris OKAY

The campers get settled in

Chris:The rules are If you want to drop out just leave on the exit there is one on each side okay let the tourcher begin and no fainting or you are out


Justin:That is it I can't stand the cold I am hot not cold I'm OUT

Paige: me to

Chris:so that is Bass:11 and Gophers:14 (Owen faints) 13

Lindsay:I can't do this I am frezzing my butt off Wow now I know how Heathers heart fells

Heather at Play de Losers (feels her chest)Wow this is cold

Sadie Matt & Brandon faint

Harold is doing jump jacks in the snow and faints


Katie and Izzy faint at the same time

Chris so now it is 9 for Gophers and 7 for Bass

Eva:Beth slept in and didn't even participate

Chris okay so now that is 6 for Bass

Jack couldn't stand the cold and goes outside were he is greeted by Lindsay, "good work out there Jon" Jack:Jack Lindsay: Okay kisses him on the lips

Jack in a dreamy voice what was that for

Lindsay:For being cutter thene Timmy

Tyler looks outside:Hay storm out side

Gwen:What was his problem?

Tyler:I don't want to see you with my girl Jack

Lindsay:Taylor I want to date Jack now okay his name right (sniff)

Lindsay:Bye Todd

Chris:Okay while you were watching that mini drama over there,

The Gophers lost LeShawna, Trent,Katie, Duncan, Ezekile, Geoff, and ReBecca

The bass lost Eva Mike and DJ

Which means the Gophers have Noah Cody and Gwen and the bass have Bridgette

Vote for the team you want to win and who you want off

Total drama action episode 1 part 2

Cody:Okay let's do this


Justin(just stands there looking pretty)

The Pig stares into Justins eyes and is distracted

Eva:Stop standing there pretty boy and help I am doing all the work


(In Confessional)

Eva:Justin watch out that face yeah it ain't going to be pretty anymore

(End Confessional)

Justin:Fine I'll help

Chris:Gophers win,

Bass I'll see you at the award cerinone cast your votes in your dressing rooms and report to the theater

(IN Confessional)

Justin:Yeah I screwed up but Heather did way more I think

Eva:Justin is going down

Nick:Chris never said what team I was on so he put me on this team I don't know how this works,so I will vote for my girl Eva.







Harold:Jack I hate how he looks GOSH!




(cuts to cerimone)

Chris the actor who fails to get a throphy must immetietly walk to the lame-o-sine and go home for good

Here it goes Bridgette...DJ......Paige.....Courtney.......Mike....Izzy.....Tyler....Nick...Lindsay

(Eva,Heather,Justin,Harold,Beth, Jack, and Duncan seem scared)

Chris:All of you guys got a vote.......

the next trophy goes to Beth....Duncan......Harold. Courtney:**** is done to you three you all ranked up a lot of votes.....Eva. Nick:YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS

It is down to you to.....the final trophy...of...the...night.....goes to.................................................................... Justin

Heather:No way just get me away from these goones (goes to lame-o-sine)

This place smells like crud

Chef:Yeah that is courtese of me


Chris:Tune in tommorow to see episode 2 of total drama action

(How was it)

Total Drama Action (a fan fic.)

Well I will have a fan fic I will make an 2 part episode the 1st part of each episode will come out on Saturday and Monday after reading cast your votes on which team should win and who to vote out. ON this first one tell me if you whould want to be sent a message every time a new episode is made just leave a comment. Let me start my first episode Oh this takes place on a movie set

Chris:Hi Chris here you may remember me from TDI well we will bring each camper back and have 6 new campers join the bunch. We will first have a party for the old campers to meet the new ones

Chris:Here they come

(a limosine with all the old campers in it pulls up)

All of them step out

Heather:AHHHHHHHHHHHH it,it.its him


Chris:How are you all doing we would like you to meet some new campers who will be joining you here

Chris:Nick what's up

Nick has black hair and is laid back

Nick:It is okay guess ...WHO is that beautiful babe (looks EVA's way)

Chris:Oh that is just Eva

Eva:Come say that over here McLame


Nick walks over to Eva They glance looks and blush

Chris:These two are Matt and Brandon ferternal twins


Matt looks like Tyler with glasses and red hair and brandon has blond curly hair

Sadie stares at Brandon while Katie stares at Matt and Matt stares at Lindsay

Chris:This is mike

Mike a short smart guy steeps out doesn't say a word

Chris:This is Jack

A blonde steps out and winks at Lindsay

Chris:This is ReBecca


ReBecca:Hey what is up


ReBecca:Okay then

Chris:Last this is Paige

Another Hot girl steps out and is greeted by Cody

She dosen't take intrest

Chris okay lets divide into teams

The Sceaming Gophers will be...

Gwen:Wait that was last seasons team name

Chris Yeah about that were tight on budget

Anyway the Gophers are Sadie,Noah,LeShawna,Cody,Trent,Katie,Duncan,Ezekile,Owen,Gwen,Geoff,Matt,Brandon, and ReBecca

The Bass are Tyler,Izzy,Eva,Hether,Beth,Lindsay,DJ,Bridgette,Justin,Courtney,Harold,Paige,Mike,and Jack.

Geoff:What is the Challenge Chris


Your First Challenge will be to have 4 people from each team and we will have 4x100 swim around the island Sadie,Noah,Trentand Ezekile for Gophers.

And Tyler,Beth,Lindsay,and Paige for Bass

An Hour Later: Okay are all swimmers ready ...go

Tyler gets far ahead of Sadie and passes his baton to Beth.Beth didn't learn how to swim and struggles wile Sadie hands the baton to Noah the Nerd gets far ahead of the geek.Noah passes the baton on to Trent and Beth final gets to Lindsay Both Trent and Lindsay do really well they both pass the baton on. To the dismay Paige is an excellent swimmer and beats zeke bad.

Chris:One point for Bass

Your second challenge is to sled down a mountain dodging trees and animals

LeShawana for Gs and Heather for B On you marks Heather:Wait,GO


LeShawna's wieght pulls her down fast and reaches the finish line while Heather gose to the other side of the mountain

The Third Challenge

Chris:You must work in a group of two to get this dress on this pig Cody and ReBecca for G and Justin and Eva for B go

Cody:Eh Becca want to go out sometime


Cody:You look real nice in that dress

Becca:SHUT UP you low life scum, you suck just shut up and do the challenge!!!!!!!!!


Okay so please cast your votes which team shall win and who should get voted off tune in tomorrow tell your friends and Sunday Part 2 will be released.

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