Morniging: Had P.E. and it is Basket ball my second fav. sport I am the 2d best on my team so were good then came back to ... ugh learning. Corrected a workbok page and math pages. Then break just talked to friend about annoying people in our grade. Well after break we came to our roomand almost finished talking about math when these fourth graders came in and were collecting toys for a program called Toy's for Tots were we bring in new toys and if our room bring in the most weget to e on the news. Well our room brought in 33 toys from Wendsay to Friday and I brought a sock monkey. Well any ways after that our teacher got in to this 45 min disscussion about home forcloser and how much a house that she saw dropped so much it was sad :(. After that we got a phone call from the lunch lady and she needed someone to help her so My teacher asked who has never ever ever done it and only my best friend and the girl I like who sits right next to me (she had her hair so HOT today) if anyone wants to know why I like her leave a comment if you would like me to. Well my friend won I rooted for my girl but she lost in rock, paper,scicorrs.
Lunch happend and we played tag 3 rounds and each time I hid with my friend 1st round we won cause they wanted to start over second time a guy came up to my NOT friend and tagged him and he tagged me. 3d one me and my friend were tricked when yah..... I will tell you later. We came in from lunch and red afterthat we watched a wierd video about KINDNESS and after that we played a game were we said something kind to a person that we called on I was 4th picked my friends was 27th picked :( well the nicest guy in our school choose me and said "I get work done and am fun to be with" and I turned red but other people like the girl I like had a hard time thinking of something nice for her friend and craked up she was looking like she was going to blow up. :lol: After that we went home and I have soccer practice tonight at 6 and then it will be Saturday anways see yah
Dominic S 12/5/08 I am going to a CHRISTMAS PARTY TOMMOROW YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!