Chris:Last time on TDA well to put it in a quick way Heather was voted off (haha yes woo hoo!!!!)
And today the actors will be put to two differnt extrems all today on TDA
Chris walks into buffet arrea actors today you will be put to the EXTREME
Gwen: What ?
(Chris take them to the dodge ball court but this time one dside has snow and the other is heated to 95 F):OKay Bass send up on person to do the coin toss and Gophers you to
Eva:I will go
Cody I will go
Chris:Okay I will flip a coin and call heads or tails (flips) Eva:Tails Cody: T----Heads
Chris:TAILS So EVa choose which side your team want to be on Cold or Hot.
Eva: Cold
Chris OKAY
The campers get settled in
Chris:The rules are If you want to drop out just leave on the exit there is one on each side okay let the tourcher begin and no fainting or you are out
Justin:That is it I can't stand the cold I am hot not cold I'm OUT
Paige: me to
Chris:so that is Bass:11 and Gophers:14 (Owen faints) 13
Lindsay:I can't do this I am frezzing my butt off Wow now I know how Heathers heart fells
Heather at Play de Losers (feels her chest)Wow this is cold
Sadie Matt & Brandon faint
Harold is doing jump jacks in the snow and faints
Katie and Izzy faint at the same time
Chris so now it is 9 for Gophers and 7 for Bass
Eva:Beth slept in and didn't even participate
Chris okay so now that is 6 for Bass
Jack couldn't stand the cold and goes outside were he is greeted by Lindsay, "good work out there Jon" Jack:Jack Lindsay: Okay kisses him on the lips
Jack in a dreamy voice what was that for
Lindsay:For being cutter thene Timmy
Tyler looks outside:Hay storm out side
Gwen:What was his problem?
Tyler:I don't want to see you with my girl Jack
Lindsay:Taylor I want to date Jack now okay his name right (sniff)
Lindsay:Bye Todd
Chris:Okay while you were watching that mini drama over there,
The Gophers lost LeShawna, Trent,Katie, Duncan, Ezekile, Geoff, and ReBecca
The bass lost Eva Mike and DJ
Which means the Gophers have Noah Cody and Gwen and the bass have Bridgette
Vote for the team you want to win and who you want off