Hi I might want to go against your votes this one time and throw you a curve ball and I will make a TDA blog tommorow and Thursday because I get bored on thoose day's well here it is.
Chris:Welcome back and Courtney's classical music registered 7/9 on the Grand master chef scale now here is the egghead him self Noah.
Noah:Romieo is east and Juliet is the sun rise rise (continues speaking sheakspere wile everyone but Owen cries)
Owen:Ha, ha,ha (noah gets mad)
Noah:Owen shut up
Chris:Let's see what GMC say 5/9, Bass need all 9 points to win can Little Wayne pull it off let's see
Nick:Yo you scratched my CD you picked it up you through it down ya scratched it man that ani't right Word!!!
Chris:Ok Grand Master Chef says 9/9
Bass win
Gophers one of you go bye bye
Duncan: I convinced a few people to vote off Elvis so Trent
Chris:Gophers I only have 1 trophy on my plate (owen and trent look nervous while the other who have recived there trophy's get ready to hear the news) the final trophy goes to.................
Owen. Trent: Not again
Gwen: who did this
Gwen:wait Cody you did
Cody: why me
Gwen:I heared you say that to get me you'd have to get rid of Trent
Cody:But I.....(Gwen slaps him hard in the face he is bleeding)
Duncan:(looks away like nothing happened)
Trent: well see yah later Gwen
(Al the Gopher except for Duncan and Cody wave bye to Trent)
Tell me your fav part and just this time there will be an episode released tommorow Bye