Well I will have a fan fic I will make an 2 part episode the 1st part of each episode will come out on Saturday and Monday after reading cast your votes on which team should win and who to vote out. ON this first one tell me if you whould want to be sent a message every time a new episode is made just leave a comment. Let me start my first episode Oh this takes place on a movie set
Chris:Hi Chris here you may remember me from TDI well we will bring each camper back and have 6 new campers join the bunch. We will first have a party for the old campers to meet the new ones
Chris:Here they come
(a limosine with all the old campers in it pulls up)
All of them step out
Heather:AHHHHHHHHHHHH it,it.its him
Chris:How are you all doing we would like you to meet some new campers who will be joining you here
Chris:Nick what's up
Nick has black hair and is laid back
Nick:It is okay guess ...WHO is that beautiful babe (looks EVA's way)
Chris:Oh that is just Eva
Eva:Come say that over here McLame
Nick walks over to Eva They glance looks and blush
Chris:These two are Matt and Brandon ferternal twins
Matt looks like Tyler with glasses and red hair and brandon has blond curly hair
Sadie stares at Brandon while Katie stares at Matt and Matt stares at Lindsay
Chris:This is mike
Mike a short smart guy steeps out doesn't say a word
Chris:This is Jack
A blonde steps out and winks at Lindsay
Chris:This is ReBecca
ReBecca:Hey what is up
ReBecca:Okay then
Chris:Last this is Paige
Another Hot girl steps out and is greeted by Cody
She dosen't take intrest
Chris okay lets divide into teams
The Sceaming Gophers will be...
Gwen:Wait that was last seasons team name
Chris Yeah about that were tight on budget
Anyway the Gophers are Sadie,Noah,LeShawna,Cody,Trent,Katie,Duncan,Ezekile,Owen,Gwen,Geoff,Matt,Brandon, and ReBecca
The Bass are Tyler,Izzy,Eva,Hether,Beth,Lindsay,DJ,Bridgette,Justin,Courtney,Harold,Paige,Mike,and Jack.
Geoff:What is the Challenge Chris
Your First Challenge will be to have 4 people from each team and we will have 4x100 swim around the island Sadie,Noah,Trentand Ezekile for Gophers.
And Tyler,Beth,Lindsay,and Paige for Bass
An Hour Later: Okay are all swimmers ready ...go
Tyler gets far ahead of Sadie and passes his baton to Beth.Beth didn't learn how to swim and struggles wile Sadie hands the baton to Noah the Nerd gets far ahead of the geek.Noah passes the baton on to Trent and Beth final gets to Lindsay Both Trent and Lindsay do really well they both pass the baton on. To the dismay Paige is an excellent swimmer and beats zeke bad.
Chris:One point for Bass
Your second challenge is to sled down a mountain dodging trees and animals
LeShawana for Gs and Heather for B On you marks Heather:Wait,GO
LeShawna's wieght pulls her down fast and reaches the finish line while Heather gose to the other side of the mountain
The Third Challenge
Chris:You must work in a group of two to get this dress on this pig Cody and ReBecca for G and Justin and Eva for B go
Cody:Eh Becca want to go out sometime
Cody:You look real nice in that dress
Becca:SHUT UP you low life scum, you suck just shut up and do the challenge!!!!!!!!!
Okay so please cast your votes which team shall win and who should get voted off tune in tomorrow tell your friends and Sunday Part 2 will be released.