Looks interesting. Once it is ready, you could add it to the List of Games Like Tetris on L-Lists (a website where its registered users can create and contribute to online lists): http://l-lists.com/en/lists/5i8x4w.html
My favourite puzzle games (that are similar to Tetris) would be Puyo Puyo, Puzzle Quest, and Fantavision. List of Games Like Tetris (includes a screen-shot and explanation for each game): http://l-lists.com/en/lists/5i8x4w.html
Unfortunately games like Streets of Rage dont appear to be made anymore (except for fan-games). Here is a list of games like Streets of Rage (the list includes a screen-shot and description for each game): http://l-lists.com/en/lists/qreay4.html People can register to add to the list. The list entries are subject to some strict criteria: - The playable characters should be able to walk up, down, left and right (this rules out 2D platformers and most versus style fighting games). - The playable characters basic attacks should only be in the direction of left or right (this rules out many third person fighting games released on the 5th generation consoles onwards) - The playable characters would typically encounter multiple enemies at the same time (which rules out the remaining versus style fighting games)
Here is an exhaustive list of PAL exclusive PS2 games (except for the handful of games which were only released in Australia and New Zealand): http://l-lists.com/en/lists/wo9z8c.html
PS2 games that the Europeans got, but the Americans didnt (has a box-image for each game): http://l-lists.com/en/lists/wo9z8c.html PS2 games that the Americans got, but the Europeans didnt (has a box-image for each game): http://l-lists.com/en/lists/ggox5p.html
List of PS2 games released in USA but not Europe: http://l-lists.com/en/lists/ggox5p.html List of PS2 games released in Europe but not USA: http://l-lists.com/en/lists/wo9z8c.html
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