I've managed to squeeze out some time into the PS3 this time and I'm impressed. The system is elegant, surprisingly quiet, and a dust magnet. The hardware looks top quality made unlike the 360, The PSN is getting better with demos, videos and trailers, its no XBL but ita alright. I like the frequent system updates and variety of settings the system offers. The controller could be better, especially the triggers and I need the rumble functionality in my games. The sixaxis motion sensing is alright from my use in NGS though the game doesn't use it extensively so I need another game that takes more advantage of it.
I've finished NGS and while the graphics are not that vastly superior to the xbox version its still amazing to look at. I'm running the game at 1080i with HDMI cable, I notice how much better the sound is hopefully more games take advantage of Blu Ray in this area. My thoughts on the game is well; still a blast to play though the difficulty is downgraded, and some puzzle elements have been cut out that made the game more challenging and sometimes tedious. They've been replaced in a way that no puzzle is involved or a quick way through without you getting hold back in your progress. There are some new weapons and a few extra levels you play as Rachel though nothing significant. There's also a few new cutscenes that add a little more to the story, but the story still sucks.
They added more checkpoints in areas that need it, though some of puzzles removal and enemies/bosses looking to be much weaker seems to make this game not a hardcore action game as its seen. I enjoyed the game but I still prefer Black. This game was clearly made for the masses.