Such an awesome game. Too bad they made Dirge of Cerberus. Everybody said that was gonna rock, like a remake. But Dirge of Cerberus sucked. I have no problem with Advent Children, it was pretty sweet, but there should have been more fighting and plot twists like the game. Hopefully Crisis Core is actually good and makes sense in adding to the story, unlike Dirge of Cerberus where they went out on a limb, and plummeted to their death with a completely irrelevant story that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ORIGINAL GAME, save characters and a little bit of plot. Dirge of Cerberus got a rating of like 6 on this site. Does that concern anyone as much as it does me? If you want a graphics upgrade and that's it, I'm playing the original to day and it's still beautiful when you consider when it was made. The graphics were revolutionary back then, and sure they suck when you pit it against something like Call of Duty 4, but there is a 10 year difference. They shouldn't just juice a good title for all it's worth, cause those of us who actually appreciate the game will probably go suicidal because of the blasphemy.
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