OMG I can not believe the amount of useless info out there from people who cannot undestand something.
I have been using Windows XP 64 bit for years ... ever since daemon tools released a 64 bit version
Yes at first there was problems with drivers but so do all the other releases and I believe the precious Vista people keep defending
YesI have and do run into driver issues but there usually is a work around as with all other OS's
But as far as functionality I will put my xp 64 up against your xp 32 or vista any day of the week
Windows 7 looks promising and again I see people complaining about drivers and such with an OS that is not even released yet and only in beta form
I still have problems with games too on XP 64 ... like Max Payne which is why I saw this thread
But then again I am talking about a game that was out before xp64 was released and I am betting I just have to change the loader with oracle
If you have have problems with XP 64 then your hardware is crap or not enough memory as with case of the one poster with only a gig of memory
There is no excuse to not run 2 gig of memory with todays great companies and much cheaper prices than years ago
Oh by the way I am not a computer tech nor do I work in the field but google is my friend and if I run into a problem I just search for an answer and usually get one
So if I can get xp 64 to work and work faster and much better than xp 32 then you can too...or can you?
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