The first barrage has been fired in the second hand game war, the newly released Red Faction Armageddon will require you to purchase an unlock code to play online if you purchase a used copy, this will not be the last we hear of this. The new MW3 is now offering exclusive deals with those who purchase their online tracking software, another shot in the face of gamers everywhere.
Where does it end? Where does the gouging stop? At roughly $100 a game here in Australia, plus xbox live fee's, my chosen relaxation has taken on a very sinister twist. The gaming industry has grown and continues to do so thanks to us, the gaming public, why then are they ripping us blind at every corner. Games are getting shorter, sequals using same engines and AI etc are commonplace yet the developers still think we should cough up more for our chosen hobby.
Apply this to the movie industry and it's like studios putting their hand out everytime you rent a movie, after the initial box office takings. Does your car manufacturer ask you for money when you sell your car? Do you have to purchase an unlock code to make your car run if you buy it used?
The gaming industry is setting a dangerous precedent, big money is attracting more and more unscrupulous types who's only interest in the bottom line of share holders pockets. How much more can we expect to shell out to the gaming developers and publishers?
I for one will not be purchasing or supporting any developers or publishers who promote or use these tactics of ripping off gamers. I don't care that games like FABLE3 are being hurt by 2nd hand sales, if the game was worthy in the first place then people would be less inclined to sell it in the first place. Rubbish titles deserve rubbish returns, only then will they realise that the gaming public is not to be bullied by these heavy handed cash grabbing tactics. To say this makes me angry is an understatement, I'm furious. Why? Because some gamers don't understand what it means to the future of our hobby. Punishing those who can't afford to buy brand new games is stealing, the game has to be purchased brand new in order for it to become second hand doesn't it? What about the rental market? Why would someone in their right mind purchase an unlock code for a game they have hired for maybe a week? Alienating gamers is all thats going to happen, those with money your welcome those without bugger off. Its easy to see past what the gaming industry is trying to do because it's simple really, greed. The games industry is closing the gap with the film industry to be the biggest money earner today and their doing it off our backs.
Sorry Red Faction Armageddon and MW3 but you have just been scrubbed off my list. So is this plan of theirs going to work? Not if people like me refuse to purchase any of their titles, my money will go to those who value their customers and show respect for the community that supported their rise, not take advantage of them for a bottom line quarterly report.