You worked hard at school, got the right grades and got accepted into university to get the qualifications you need to work in the gaming industry. After what seems an eternity you land a job at Rebellion studios, you start from the bottom and begin working on your first major title. The jobs given to you are menial but hey its beats digging a ditch for a living and your doing what you have allways wanted to do,making games for a living.You have played games all your life so you know deep down when a game sucks and what makes a game great, you can decide a games fate in less than a minute of gameplay. Some of the people you work with have been in the industry for years, you try to learn all you can and follow the lead of the senior employees as they surely know best, right? After what seems like an eternity you finally get to work on a game that you have dreamed about, Aliens Vs Predator.
One day your asked for feedback on the progress of the game, you get to play an early code of the game and you realise your worst nightmare has come true, the game sucks. You want to complain about re-using levels over and over, you think the campaign is too short and uninteresting, you would love to change the control style of the alien, you feel the balance between the different species is way off, the list continues and the boss of your department in now sitting accross the desk looking at you waiting for a response. You know you havn't been in the industry that long and your thrilled that your boss wants your opinion on the games progress but, you have just bought a new car and the payments are huge and allthough you didn't really need that huge plasma tv you went ahead anyway because your working right? You can afford stuff like this, thats why people get jobs in the first place.
Your boss is still looking at you waiting for some feedback, he wants to know what your honest opinion is, at the same time telling you how much the game has cost so far and how much the studio needs to make in order to make some money off this title, its a fickle industry and no-ones job is really that secure, if the game fails layoffs may happen. You desperately want to say that the game is bugged, you want to say that fans of the series are going to be bitterly disapointed by this release, you want to say we should start again but allready its been a year and a lot of hard work has gone into the development of this game, deep down you still know it sucks. So you take a deep breath, swallow your pride because you have bills to pay, and give him the most honest answer you know he wants to hear.
Yes....its great. The campain is brilliant, the animations superb and effects are something fans are going to be talking about for years to come, the balance is just right and its going to be the best game of 2010. Your boss smiles and lets you get back to work, deep down the game still sucks but you still have your job in the industry of your choice, beats digging ditches for a living.