With the recent second death of my XBOX 360... I've turned to my Wii to pass the time and satisfy my gaming needs. I thought the Wii was extremely overpriced up until recently. Right now there's only two Wii games I really anjoy, those being MP3 and SMG. Both are great games but that's a pretty tiny library. So in spending time witht he Wii I found uses in the Wii's applications, such as the weather channel and the news channel. They were very conveniet. I then went to the Wii shop channel and saw one of my all time favorites, hell, one of everyone's all time favorites... Super Mario Bros. for the NES! I purchased it and love it just as much as I did 10 years ago when I first played the game. I also bought the web browser which is very nice and much faster than I anticipated.
In summary, the Wii has nice little features that add up to something pretty cool. Add this plus the expanding library of games the Wii will be getting this year and you have yourself a nice little purchase. I can say honestly after spending more time with my Wii that I don't regret purchasing it like I did several months ago. ;)