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Wow, uber weird/cool dream (long read but intresting!)

Ok, so I'm a marine in what looks to be Pearl Harbor and ofcourse since I'm a huge gamer there are some twists to the dream. My commander is Hoffman from Gears of War :lol: (the old guy). But wait, that's not all, the ship I'm enlisted to is the USS Miranda Keyes, a commander from Halo 2 :lol:. Anyway, Hoffman intercepts a transmition from the Japanese saying that they plan on striking the USS Miranda Keyes first. Hoffman then decides to try and trick the Japanese, he knows that they an hear him over the radio so he says that we are now moving the USS Miranda Keyes outwards to some random river place.

Now here was my suicidal mission, I had to go to the location where Hoffman was supposed to send the USS Miranda Keyes onto a very small boat with a few other marines and fend off any Japanese coming to attack :|. Oh and the punchline to this was that Hoffman gave me a model replica of the USS Miranda Keyes to bring with me to the location :lol:. Anyways, within a few minutes planes start flying over head. The first plane is Chinese though strangely enough but doesn't fire :?. Several Minutes afterwards Japanese bombers begin to arrive. They had dumb bombs which were pretty inefficient due to poor accuracy.

Once they realized they couldn't hit such a small target with dumb bombs they turned to their Machine guns. Soon enough bullets were cutting through the boat at ridiculous speeds and amounts. I'm yelling at the marine right of me to get down but he ended up getting shot in the shoulder. For those of you who have ever played Call of Duty 2, imagine that level where you have like 100 germans coming at you and firing and you're in a room you can't get out of. That part'sin the English campaign.

I curled my legs in, fearing I would be hit from the many angles of fire. There was not a moment where a bullet wasn't whizzing past my head. As time passed a few more of my marines were killed next to me. I just wanted to get out of there. Eventually the boat started sinking. I took a deep breathe, hoping to stay under long enough for the Japanese to think I'm dead. After about a minute I swam out to a nearby building and looked to hold my ground with the few remaining beside me for as long as we could. We went upstairs.

I was very limited on ammo. A few Japanese soldiers were running up the stairs trying to get to us but I shot most with my handgun. Once I was completely out of ammo we had to throw stuff down the stairs to try and stop them. This worked for a few long minutes. Now I see a woman, holding a razor coming up the stairs, walking. She wasn't Japanese. I didn't want to hurt or kill a woman so I did the only thing I can think of. I took out my empty handgun and pointed it at her and told her I'd shoot her and that I wasn't afraid to. Soon afterwards she retrieved a gun from behind her, aimed and fired at me hitting me square in my chest.

I fell back and my vision went black. I then felt the comfort of sheets as I lay on my back. Had my fellow marines saved me? No, I just woke up. :P