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FF12 = Owned by US RPG system.

I just watched a video of people playing battles in FF12, and that was kind of funny, because I could not find the original Japanese RPG style battle in the game.

That looked too similar to KOTOR or some other American Role Playing Game System. More like Dungeon and Dragon and stuff like that.

And well, I might not buy FF12 because now Final Fantasy is following the most famous RPG system in the world, and lost its originality. I understand that FF is not being sold that much in Japan anymore, but that doesn't mean that Square-Enix had to just make FF12 like an American RPG wannabe.

Oh well, but who cares? After all, I might not get this game, and also I might not buy PS3 as well, since we all know that the system is gonna be crappy as much as the PS2 and PSP.

Everything Sony makes is good? That's an old theory, Sony can't make crap anymore, Square-Enix is same as well.

Sony and FF = OWNED.