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DCaff117 Blog

Juuust before a lecture

Howdy So I've been on Gamespot for about er... 2 days, and in that space of time, I've written and posted (lemme check)... 4 reviews! groovy, im off to a good start- except I'm probably gonna get my ass kicked over my Skyrim review. Meh, if you disagree, no worries, go ahead and keep playing and questing and shooting adventurers in the knee (you Adventurer? THAR CAN ONLY BE ONE!!), but thats what i thought about Skyrim, and im stickin to it. Also, joined me a few unions, PUSH was suggested by a friend (wonder why?) so I'm in that one, also found the halo and dead space unions, so i joined them too, which was fun... until i saw the tumbleweed of the inactive groups. So theres an update, I made it to level 3 (woo!) and my xbox and ps3 accounts are loaded up. Also, to clear one thing up: yes if you check details, theyre similar, but I'm not Ben Yahtzee- he's in Brisbane, I'm in Cairns :P

First Blog Entry!

Well howdy Y'all Yup, its official, new guy here on Gamespot ("NOOB! Everybody run!!!" xD) So I guess I should use this first blog entry to say a little bit about meself. Well lets see... born in England, raised in Australia. Love energy drink, hate game being banned (you lucky Americans and your 18+ rating grr). At this point, I'm at James Cook University, currently doing a course in Info Tech- with a side order of Games Design. Have done a few subjects on games, from general design and theory to making actual videogames with the Unity engine (not well enough to boast about, but there it is). If there's an aspect to games that I enjoy the most, its the narrative. A game can be glitchy as all hell, with shoddy graphics and lame-ass gameplay, but I'll stick to it if it has a good story. Consequently, means I was one of the only people who liked Mirrors Edge.... and Lost Odyssey to an extent. At any rate, I'm prattling, so here I am, Gamespot- bring it on!!!