omg, i just spent the past two freakin days doing nothing but read this book. I have a 4000 word report on it due the first day of school, August 30th (start of my junior year). And for some reason i've had the book for several weeks and didnt want to read it, but now i gotta cram in the final week.
I have to say though, its a pretty interesting book. Before i started, i didnt really want to read it because i had heard Malcolm was somewhat of an extremist. Also i didnt really want to read about the civil rights struggle as its a touchy subject. However it is very well written and details all of Malcolm's life from being a kid in Michigan to being a drug dealer in Boston/New York, going to jail, and then finding the Religion of Islam. Despite it being a pretty good book, im pretty uncomfortable with him labeling the entire white race as "the white devil." Kinda hard to read when im being insulted based on my skin color. But i can understand why he was such an angry man as he had alot of bad experiances being segregated.
anyway, if you're a fan of history and are interested in the African-American Civil Rights struggle, this is a great book. At least i find it to be very good.