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Top games of the past generation

Now that it is safe to say the past console generation is over, its time to pick the best of its games.

5: Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)

first truely open game world. Intriging mob story, and hella fun to boot. I still find myself going back to play this.

4: Animal Crossing (GC)

live life however you want. Played this for several years. never got old cause the seasons change and new neighbors come. Now my younger sisters are playing it. Nintendo's finest work.

3: Timesplitters 2 (PS2)

Many a wasted afternoon spent in front of the TV with friends. Monkeys FTW!

2: Resident Evil 4 (GC)

Best game of the RE series. Intense, cinema gameplay. And you cant forget Mercenaries mode

1: Freedom Fighters (PS2)

Soviet invasion of the USA? Plumber turned revolutionary? Hellz yeah! This game pwned so much. Great squad mechanics, intriging story, and fun multiplayer. All we need now is a sequel to this game. Please Io stop making Kane and Lynch, and do Freedom Fighters 2!