DEWMAN08 / Member

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Bought an Xbox 360!

I was in Walmart, walking by the electronics department when I noticed they were selling the 360 Elite for $299 and they give you a $50 dollar gift card. I'd been thinking about it for a while, so I decided to go for it. For those that don't know, I had previously owned a 360, but it got RROD so I purchased a PS3. I've been happy with the PS3, but recently not so much. I want a more interactive and more dense online, and there are more exclusives that I want for the 360. I'm selling my PS3 to a friend at work. I'll be getting Halo 3 ODST, Gears of War 2, Mass Effect, and more. Hit me up with your Live names, and I'll add you when I set everything up.

Does anyone know if I can somehow transfer the videos/shows from my PS3 hard drive to a computer or my 360? or am I screwed?