When RSV 2 was first released a few weeks ago, there were almost no restrictions on grenades/explosives....now its nearly impossible to find a host who hasn't restricted it. I personally think that all weapons should be allowed to be used, that's why the Ubisoft included them in the game. It shouldn't feel like a cheap kill when you get hit by a grenade, it should thought of as part of the game. I tend to be more mobile when grenades are allowed, you never know when someone's going to lob one at you.
Also why do so many people spawn camp in this game, is it simply because the maps are small, or is it just to piss me off. I think the manner in which re-spawining is done in RSV2 could use some work.
So if you see me online feel free to lob some grenades my way, but stay away from our spawn point.