DEWMAN08 / Member

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My period of inactivitiy.

I haven't been on Gamespot, playing PS3 or basically doing any electronic things because I've been crazy busy with work and school. I'm taking 2 math courses and German this summer at NCC, a college in Minnesota. That and I just started working at an office doing short sales in real estate. I'm finally getting things stable enough to turn on the PS3 and loggin in here for a quick blog. This summer is going to be mad, but I thats okay.

I played the Battlefield Bad Company Demo, I've only played online, not any single player yet, but it seems amazing. What I really like, and it seems to work well is the destructive environments. Taking a grenade launcher to a brick wall is very satisfying, and creates a new dynamic to the battle and the way the game flows.

I have yet to buy MGS4, but will sometime soon.