DEWMAN08 / Member

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Penalty: Delay of game.

Games lately are likely to get delayed, and now its becoming a common thing that may occur more than one time for each game. Take GTA IV for example, how many release dates did that have, or MGS 4 which we are about to be blessed with. Recall Army of Two, Haze, Mercenaries 2, Killzone 2, and a bunch of others.

I guess I'm a little impatient, but I think they should put a little more thought into how long they need to finish a game before giving out a release date. It must be a lack of judgement, or in a more positive view: they wanted to put more time and effort into the game before they ship. But some games don't showcase that extra time, such as Army of Two which fell short in some gamers eyes. Also Haze seems to have disappointed despite having delayed more than once. I guess all we can hope for is those titles that have yet to bee released take that extra time to perfect their game.