well microsoft clearly has nothing to offer compare to what sony has for its lineup upon release I just hope sony doesnt do the same always online with theirs or else Im just going pc completely which Im actually starting to like being a console gamer for so long
what does micorsoft new xbox has to offer to secure there customer base ??? any new exclusives ??? better online service (cheaper xboxlive) ??? unless anyone is a huge fan of halo, gow, fable and forza I dont think it matches to what ps4 has to offer in my opinion
isnt ps3's remote play with the psp similar in some ways ??? sony had that concept but nintendo just took it to another level now the question is what will be the price for the new wii along with its new controller
to be honest, I really cant tell the difference with these pics here, I must say the ps3 and xbox360 are both identical when it comes to graphics, I mean come on if one system had crazier graphics more than the other then everyone would be buying it more but both of them doesnt. The only way to really tell which has great graphics is if u play there exclusives but yea multiplatform games usually looks the same on both consoles...
I may be a console gamer but everyone should know pc graphics will always look better especially since all games are made using a pc anyway but then again if ur pc is not up to part he/she may loose out that lol
DFen's comments