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GameSpot's Endless Ocean Review

*sigh* Americans cannot appreciate games that don't have car chases or guns. Endless Ocean is much better than the review makes out. Though we did get the game last year. YEAH! I don't care about the review, since I've had the game since release. GameSpot says there's not much variety, well that's the life of a marinologist, but that's ok, what I am outraged by is that they said it has a weak story. Weak story!? There is no major story to the game, simply a series of events that lead you to discovering underwater ruins and fillinf up aquariums. Just because your too impatient to discover the best parts of the game, doesn't mean the game is boring.

7.0? Nah, 9.0 is more like it. No I'm not an outraged fanboy like those that were "outraged" by the Fire Emblem on Wii, but the game is better than the review says. You Americans may have got it later, but it's still one of the best games on Wii.