Well after sauntering through GameSpot and Google, I found an MMORPG that's free, and will run on my computer! It's called Metin2, some of you may have heard it, it's very similar to Silkroad Online, only it runs smoother and the c/ass level system is much better. The c/ass system works as such, you choose from assassin, warrior, sura and mage, and up until Lv 5, you are just a generic recuit with your chosen c/ass but at Lv 5, you choose your prefered Force in your c/ass there are 2 Forces per c/ass:
- Assassin - Assassin Force / Archer Force
- Warrior - Partisan Force / Arahan Force
- Sura - Mirage Force / Black Magic Force
- Mage - Lighting Force / Dragon Force
I chose Dragon Force Mage, which is ironic since I can't stand Dragonforce. If you happen to play Metin2 and are in the same server and Empire as me, look me up, I'm Lieuje.
Onto the competition answers, they are:
1959 - Plan 9 From Outer Space
1978 - Saturday Night Fever
1994 - Ed Wood
2007 - Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
No one scored any points, so unfortunately I cannot give out any points. For the next competition can I please have more contributions, and DO NOT answer unless you answer all the questions, your answer will not be counted and can be copied! So do not do it! I'm looking at you NatendoWhiskey64. Only one post for answers.