Turning Point: Fall of Liberty: The demo has arisen on the Marketplace and has amassed much negative reception. Now, I like game's with some kind of flaw, I prefer to see game's in action rather than imagining a perfect game. Turning Point appeals to me more now that I've played the demo, but no amount of feet-seeing can overshadow the games massive flaws. Some will notice how remarkably similar the gameplay and graphics are to Hour of Victory. Guns are hard to aim, the controls feel confined, the graphics are grainy (but not necessarily bad) and some parts of the demo felt poorly designed. On the other hand, the grapple system is cool, using enemies as shields, environmental and instant kills among others and the story is quite intriguing. Hopefully, the developer's will improve on some of the demo's faults, though they have less than a month to do so unless there's a delay. Otherwise, it's Hour of Victory all over again. Still, I think I'll get the game anyway.
Also, I highly recommend buying Atonement on DVD, it's a brilliant film, as is Big Fish and Family Guy: Blue Harvest.
As for games, this week I have expressed interest in the following, which I will probably buy within the coming weeks:
I've been wanting these for a while, also, the following upcoming titles:
Also, I found the Devil May Cry 4 demo incredibly boring and will not be purchasing the game.