Leisure Suit Larry
I've been somewhat nostalgic these last days, searching for a bunch of old games I played years ago. This is the first real game on PC I remember playing.
It didn't even look "this good" when I played it, since we only had a monochrome screen, so everything was yellow :D
What made this game so hugely popular was the original idea behind it. An idea game developers are still using today. I havent yet checked out the new Larry game. I feel kind of cheated that they didn't stick with the original character. Guess they felt he was to old to be picking up young girls. Poor Larry has been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
What's weird about many (similar) games from this early era of computer games is all the guess work included. You had to type in your actions, and therefore guess what commands the game might respond to.
I will continue my blast from the past posts while in the mood.