I've been thinking about this subject recently. Thinking if I should actually watch Doom. So far I've never been able to finish a movie based on a game. I tried with Tombraider, mostly because parts of it were shot here in Iceland and I was interested in seeing the results. However, I never made it to those parts. I never played the Tombraider series anyway.
It goes both ways for me. I am never interested in games based on movies, and the few I've tried only strengthen those beliefs.
I read on a movie site that "Half-Life, the movie" was being planned. I can't find anything about it, I am pretty sure the author got confused with Doom and Half-Life. Making Half-Life the movie is probably the worst idea ever. Both games have a very specific storyline, a movie wouldn't have anything to add. All it could possibly hope to accomplish would be to destroy the games.
I am playing Half-Life 2 for the fifth time these days, and will post my thought on it later, don't want to get sidetracked here.
The thing is, Hollywoods think tank has been empty for years, and their ideology, to make sequels, remakes, and now to make games into movies just isn't working. Check this out: http://www.hla.info/
Machinima is something a bit more interesting. I have to admit I haven't been following this trend for long. Check out http://www.machinima.com/ for more info. The most interesting part in my opinion is the fact that game developers seem to be picking this up and paying the artists formerly known as fans to create what Hollywood can't really do, game based films :)
The entertainment industry is changing fast these days, but very few are keeping up. Certainly not mainstream Hollywood. The blockbusters get more and more disappointing every year. I've stopped bothering seeing most by now. I believe games will be hugely dominant entertainment form in a decade or so, while movie makers will have to find ways to cut their budget. At the moment, there is much more art envolved in games than in the mainstream movies, this is a huge part of the reason. Game developers also aren't as greedy :) People are tired of being sold the same stuff over and over and over. When you buy a ticket to see a movie, why doesn't the ticket work as a discount of the same value when you buy the DVD?
Well getting a bit sidetracked as usually. More later.