For those that don't know, I live in Iceland. We aren't quite as extreme in any way as for instance Americans. We don't sue someone for making to hot coffee, and we certainly don't sue game developers for making violent games.
But, apart from this the media is for the most part the same. When it comes to news stories about violent games, we get all the same nonsense. I haven't yet seen an enlightened, unbias news report from the main stream media when it comes to computer games.
They can't get away from the "horrible violence". Which tells us only one thing. The news reporters don't play games. They don't get the simple fact that violence is means to an end. It's about the experience, the adrenaline rush, oh and let's not forget about a good seratonin dosage after a job well done :)
Ok, this is all going somewhere, I promise.
When I say I haven't yet seen an enlightened, unbias news report, it isn't exactly true. Yesterday I saw something of the kind. It wasn't enlightened by any means, but it had a different approach. The main focus wasn't that computer games are so horrific, but that the parents should get involved and actually watch what games their kids play!
Wow, we have actually moved forward, finally! People are starting to realize that games aren't only made for the agegroup <12.
At least here in Iceland. Now we have to see if parents can figure this out as well, or if they will keep on blaming game developers...
Well, time to go play some very violent HL2DM. I must be an extremely bad person enjoying all this pointless violence :D