Sorry for the bad quality pic (thats what you get from a webcam:lol: )
Well I went to the store today to get it, when I got there they had no more in stock. But I found out in a few minutes after asking one of the employee's who seemed pretty happy that I wanted to buy one since he would be getting paid extra if I did when he entered his name in the computer as I payed for it:lol:
When I got home I was pretty happy, alittle confused though when I tried to connect it to the big tv upstairs and it wouldn't display the picture properly and the only sound that would come out the speakers was a humming sound.
I wasn't too pissed since I had never planned on using it on that tv, as long as it works on my tv I'm fine.
Well I took it down to my room and connected it to my tv and I got perfect sound and as good picture quality as I guess you can get on a 20" tv with 480i:lol:
Since the only game it came with is PGR3, I played that for abit after exploring the dashboard and spending several hours trying to figure out how to get on XBL (I finnaly did about 20 min before I made this post).
I also discovered that my 1250 points card and 3 months of XBL come in the mail:x I'm alittle pissed off about that because Best Buy says they come in the mail, Futureshop (where I bought my 360) says it comes in the box. So I had expected to be able to get on XBL today (don't want to use my free month of XBL before I get my 3 month card) and possibly buy some stuff on Marketplace.
Also I have learnt that the only way for Canadians to purchase the Microsoft Warranty is by credit card. I'm alittle pissed about this because I had planned on sending a money order with a form that is supose to come with the 360 (atleast it does in the US) for my 2 years extended warranty. I don't have a credit card, that is why I needed to send a money order.
I also realised I have a new emblem that I got for watching a FREE 5 min of live coverage of TGS 2006 (could they not spare more than 5 min:lol:
Because I don't have a router, I found it extremely difficult to make my PC share the connect with my 360 since my modem kept getting confused thinking that my 360 was my PC. So it looks like I'll be getting a router tomorrow, aswell I'll be trading PGR3 in tomorrow and buying Saints Row because I'm already tired of it:|