First of all, its -19°C outside right now (-31°C with the wind).
So it sucked because I have a 15 min walk from my bus to my school, by time I got to school my ears were burning like hell.
During 4th period, someone pulled the fire alarm. So everyone had to go outside, IN THE ****** COLD WITH NO JACKETS! Well, there was 1 person in my class who did have his jacket with him in class, so that lucky little bastard didn't freeze his *** off:x
On my way home, I almost miss my bus and that would have really sucked because its about 10 min until the next one comes. When I get on, its pretty much packed so I'm stuck like right infront of the door. Eventually this stupid *** kid gets on the bus with his huge *** school bag, the fool doesn't even bother to take it off to make room.
So ya, that was my day.
Now that I'm home, I put the heat in my room as high as it will go and now its just time to wait for 24 and Prison Break to start8)
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