I know this isnt an original type of thread but since valentines day is coming up who is your favorite video game couple or tandem?
(even if they aren't ENTIRELY romantically involved)
-Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose (Sonic the hedgehog)
-Johnny Sasaki (Akiba) and Meryl Silverburgh (Metal Gear solid)
-Rinoa Heartilly and Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy 8)
-Link and Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
-Mr and Mrs. Pac-Man (Pac Man)
-Mario and Peach (Super mario)
-Sora and Kairi (Kingdom hearts)
-Yuna and Tidus (Final fantasy 10)
-Aeris Gainsborough and Cloud Strife (final Fantasy 7)
-Dom and Maria Santiago (Gears of war)
-Super Meat Boy and Bandage Girl (super meat boy)
-Fox McCloud and Krystal (Star Fox)
-Chrono and Marle (Chrono Trigger)
-Gordon and Alyx (Half Life 2)
- or Other (type who)
DJ579's forum posts
Dave's Video Game Show Where He Meanders About Aimlessly , Thus Showing His Incomeptence In Hosting And Explaining Things In A Straight Foward And Entertaining Manner That Is Also Informative And Helpful. dave123321dude...thats the best thing ive ever heard in life.
^ lol
just wondering what are some cool names
for a video game talk show
Like how on G4 they have X-play
and on Roosterteeth.com they have Achievement hunter.
What would you call yours?
That old school Simpsons Arcade game... that was kind oflike Ninja turtles and streets of Rage!
(2D game where you walk to the right basically beating up anyone that comes in your way...Im sure theres a Genre for these types of games...dont know what it is though)
with 4 player online co-op! that would own!
or that old school capton Commando game that was kind of like Ninja turtles and streets of rage (and the simpsons one!)
Mrxbox360, sizematterzz, and Godlikelee, your votes are NOT included in the above final standings I was posting while you three posted, sry
Okay this is the first time Ive publically posted all of the votes Tallyed together, every game, EVERY Vote so far ( using the 3 votes I chose for Kozzy1234 because theres were the first 3 on his list)
(the websites doing this survey are: Gamespot, Game faqs, Neoseeker, myspace Xbox live group, and Xbox360 chat)
Current (FULL) standings: (* means game is tied with 1 or more others)
1. Gears of war --- 22
2. Bioshock --- 19
3. Halo 3 --- 13
4. Oblivion --- 11
5. Rainbow 6: Vegas --- 6
6. Froza Motersport 2 --- 4
*7. Call of Duty 2 --- 3
*7. Call of Duty 4 --- 3
*7. Crackdown --- 3
*7. Dead Rising --- 3
*8. Call of duty 3 --- 2
*8. Eternal sonata --- 2
*8. Fight Night: Round 3 --- 2
*8. Graw 2 --- 2
*8. Perfect dark zero --- 2
*9. Burn out Revenge--- 1
*9. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night --- 1
*9. Dead or Alive 4 --- 1
*9. Graw --- 1
*9. Guitar hero 2 --- 1
*9. NBA 2K7 --- 1
*9. PGR 3 --- 1
*9. Saints row --- 1
*9. Shadowrun --- 1
*9. Skate --- 1
*9. Viva Pinata --- 1
Halo3 (havnt played it yet but im sure it should be fun)
Eternal Sonata/Oblivion
The Darkness/Gears of war
Other great games IMO = Skate, Kameo, Blue Dragon, Forza2, DIRT, Madden 08, Condemend
Those are my favs at the moment
I need 3 from you or Im gonna take GRAW 2, Vegas, and Shadow run as your votes :)
2-Gears of War
*** As soon as I will play Halo 3 it will be number 1
you could vote it if you want...everyone else is...
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