I really enjoyed this game. Personally it was not too difficult aside from some surprise additions in NG+. I also found it easy to level up in this game for some reason. By the time I got my 1000/1000gs I was level 222 and 88 hours into the game (compared to my Dark Souls run at 88 hours I was level 160).
My only complaint about this game is that some of the areas felt really small and some of the bosses where just lazy.
Overall I really enjoyed the game and would recommend it.
I got my copy from gamefly today and I've had a lot of fun with it. My only complaint is that the dodge mechanic is pretty inconsistent. I probably would buy it for thirty dollars.
Great game! Very fun from start to finish. My only complaint is that it's way too short. Took me 5 hours to finish on Normal difficulty. I was disappointed with 2 of the 7 chapters in the game being about 6 mins long each.
I recommend it if you plan on playing through it more than once or on harder difficulties. if not then just rent it like I did.
DJSAV_101's comments