I'm glad they never brought up the Mafia games - those things are GARBAGE. People should have let them die on MySpace, rather than bring over dozens and dozens of variants, from GirlWars to Mafia, iMob, that stupid Undead one, the race one (where you just trade parts, no racing), etc. I realize they fit better on the platform than a lame racing game where you flail your iPhone around in a rough approximation of steering like a Wii remote, but the motion sensor does not make for accurate game experiences. The slightly expanded cell-style games work the best, as they're always going to be something you want to play on the go in short bursts. It's also why games like Metal Gear Solid, Brothers in Arms, and Hero of Sparta are decent games in their own right but terrible iPhone games.
These comparisons are terrible. Framerate is more important than staring a blown up images trying to determine if the shadows on one are slightly smoother - the underlying game is the same and control issues should be much more important than these minor graphical comparisons. Anyone who bought the PS3 version of Fallout 3 is probably losing sleep over the bugs and not its slightly more anemic graphics - I mean, they already know they bought the game for the console that gets the short end of the multiplatform stick.
Oblivion a points wasteland? Nonsense, it's possible to get the full 1000 in a couple of days. A far more enjoyable experience than blowing through half a dozen bad sports games.
DJ_Lae's comments