If you like some action in your RPG, and giant monster battles, I recommend Dragon's Dogma. Dark Arisen is out now and includes the first game and expanded content. There is one of my favorite dragon battles of all time in this game, and it is a lot of fun.
Very nice list. I would add Rainbow Moon to the PSN list, especially for the old school turn based tactical RPG fans like myself. The Walking Dead is another great PSn game as well (cross plat though)
Picked up Kingdoms of Amalur last week, and my pre-order of Twisted Metal was waiting for me after work! :) Was just playing some couch co-op with my son and his GF and we were having a blast. Twisted Metal is great mindless entertainment, and loving it so far. Reckoning is good, but with no co-op it gets delegated to when my friends aren't around.
I just picked it up last week and am enjoying it, playing with a few friends. I am only level 21, but so far it feels a bit more like a bunch of single player games tacked together rather than a traditional MMO. That's not an indictment, just an observation, since my friends and I are loving it so far. If you like making a lot of alts in MMO's, you will have a good time in this game. Each different class has their own far reaching questline that is really quite good. If you like games like Mass Effect, KOTOR, etc., I think you will enjoy the character development / levelling experience. I haven't seen end game yet, so can't speak intelligently on that. I hear there are only a couple operations (8-16 man raids) so far, so end game is probably not as well developed yet.
I have played all of the HoMM series, and got a chance to play about 3 hours of the digital deluxe version of MMH6. So far I find it extremely addictive, with that one-more-turn gameplay I have loved over the series. Its definitely different in many ways, including the skill trees of heroes, online Dynasty, etc. But I sure am glad I picked it up for 20% off at Amazon. I have a feeling its going to be on my monitor for many weeks to come.
Last I heard was that it will be back up in May. That could be a lot of downtime, but they have to get it right with all the attention on it from governments, law enforcement agencies, and of course hackers.
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