DPumbliQ / Member

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Hey! What the hell is this?

GS gave me an E3 emblem, I didn't even watch anything of E3 on GS......

Man, I didn't want the emblem..... Argh! Man..... I wish I could delete emblems :cry:

"These users fought hard to catch one day of GameSpot's E3 2008 live stage show. Much like sushi, watching game coverage is an acquired taste. We just wish we would have seen more of this person."

Oh yeah, GS must have missed me a lot and I don't think I fought hard to catch the show, considering I watched it like some days after E3.....

Anyways, that BigBomb site is here, I had never heard of it until loads of my friends started blogging about that they were leaving GS for that place, I honestly can't see anything good about it

And I'd in fact rather go to IGN..... That site doesn't even allow me to be DPumbliQ or Pumbli......:evil:

Haven't bought a game in a long time, waiting for Soul Calibur 4 :P

That's all folks :P