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Selling my PS3!

Yes yes, I've decided to sell my PS3. It's a 60GB console that can play PS2 games.

About a year after I got my PS3 I found a site that told me how to take care of my PS3 and prevent it from getting the YLOD. For almost 3 years that black beauty ran like a dream and when it reached the end of it's days with an YLOD I can't say I was terribly surprised.

After paying about $270 to get a refurbished console, I thought I'd be able to enjoy at least a year or two out of the new one. But things took a turn for the worse about 4 months into my ownership when I got my second YLOD. (Keep in mind that I clean my PS3 every other week and keep it in a vell ventilated area)

Since I got a new varranty with my second one I got my 3rd PS3 just a day later. Now, I thought this time would be the charm but nope. 3 months and bam, death. Again, I get a new one. I didn't know what to think anymore, I just hoped this wasn't a heap of junk like the others. Turns out, it was.

3 weeks. Blu Ray drive fails. Now wer're getting to recent times, exactly 21 days ago I walked into the store where I got my old PS3 and got a new one through my warranty. Today, my 4th PS3 got the YLOD.

I'm done with the 60GB. I'm so freaking done with it that I was close to throwing it through my window when I saw that disgusting yellow light. I'm going to get myself a new 60GB PS3 (my 5th one!) and then pass this curse unto another unsuspecting citizen. It's probably bad karma but hey, at least someone will get to enjoy a new PS3 every month.

I'm planning to buy a 320GB Slim model, I actually can't wait to get that heap of junk old monster out of my house!

Also, my exams are coming up so I may be less on Gamespot. Next Wednesday I'll take a little trip to the countryside and be away from computers for the most part for about 5 days. :P

Thanks for reading, if you did. :P