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DXVandenburgh Blog

KOTOR - I'm done.

I finally finished KOTOR. I made the mistake of not taking any offensive force powers when I played it through the first time. That left me pretty far up the creek when it came to the final battle. I made a new character and restarted, but I'd lost interest about halfway through. The Star Wars buzz from the upcoming Ep. III got me going again and I wrapped it up.

I also downloaded the Xbox Live content that I didn't have access to the first time through. I liked the new crystals and the implants. Oh, the joy of the orange lightsaber ;)

Old School RPG Action

I had the opportunity for some real old school RPG action Tuesday night. Some local gamers were starting an RPGA Living Greyhawk game and I sat in for a session. It was quite a trip down nostalgia lane. I played a dwarf cleric and spent most of the night slapping folks with some serious hammer.

Dorn rules!

Sinus colds

I've had a sinus cold for about 2 weeks now and it's cut down my Xbox gaming considerably. The Live headset hurts a little when my sinuses are swollen. It's also harder to focus. I can't wait to get over it so I can get in some quality Live time.

Warcraft is going well. I finally finished the Undead Campaign. It was so frustrating to keep dying with 4 or 11 seconds left.


I've been playing MechAssault2 on Xbox Live all week. I'm dying a lot, but it's still quite fun. You tend to lose sight of how good game graphics currently are until you have one of those 'Oh wow' moments. I was playing last night on a map with a lot of fog. It felt so neat watching this huge firefight slowly come into view through the fog, lasers and explosions all over the place. It made putting up with a gang of spawncamping 15 year old kids worth it.