my chemistry teacher is allowing us to bring up our grades, those who has a D or a F can do some extra credit that is due this tuesday, and i heard that the english teacher is goin to be callin her homeroom class, not everybodies, but im still not sure, and if that happens, then maybe i can still play halo....
so far i have 3 As, 3 Bs, and 2 Fs, and my overall gpa is like 2.64 or around there
damn those to Fs, i will bring them up, well at least chemistry at least
oh and i got to play Zelda PH today, i got the controls like that already, but my selfish friend wouldnt let me continue playing:roll: instead he wanted to show me specials in his naruto game, it looks cool and fun i supposed, but i wanted to play ph still :x
and my school is holdin its first dance of the year, a halloween dance, if itll be as good as last years or better im definetly goin, but if the same incident happens like last years valentine dance then im definetly not goin
what sucks this year is that since my sister is high school she's goin to be goin to the same dance as me, o god :|
thats all, gotta do hw
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