Advance Wars: Dual Strike
This game will shock you. Shock you with the sheer amount of stuff to do. I have never played a game so deep. Its Fire Emblem on steroids, with tanks. The game is set up like a giant chess board with two combatants with two goals: Dstroy the other team outright or capture their HQ, way on the opposite side of the map. The strategic battles in this game can easily take you 3 hours to beat.
The game is set up on a grid with a rock paer scissors-like system of what units are stronger against eachother. For example, a Bomber plane can destroy any tank, but it can be wiped out by long range missles and anti aircraft untis. A battle ship can weak havock on ground units, but can be taken down by subs, which can be annihilated by crusers, which can be annihilated by battleships. Its a Rock Paper Scissors game with 30 different kinds of rocks paer and scissors. And you can build the rocks and paper and scissors again and again. But you have to capture cities to make money, and you have to make infantry to capture the cities, but you need to do it fast, because a tank is headed for you, and you need to build something to protect your infantry, but you have no money......and so on.
This is a REALLY complicated game.....
There are so many maps, it would take you months to play them all. The campain is fiendishly challenging, but so satifying once you find the right CO's to do the job. The Co's are also very well balenced, although I love how secret character Haichi can build units super cheap.
This game is pure epicness in game form. It's for the hardcore only, but if you can delve into it, you'll find a satifying game like no other.
(Don't get the game advance wars: days of ruin. It makes the CO powers a chore to do, so the game is unforgivingly hard. And kinda annoying. I much prefer this game.)