Tales of Symphonia (GC)
Or if you're nintendo power...(GNC)
140 hours. I have played this game 3 times, with a combined total of 140 hours that is 5.83 DAYS I have played this game. Wow.
Well, this game is even harder to explain than advance wars. Its hard to even scratch what you do in this game. There is so much darn stuff. Well, I'll try.
You play as Lloyd, a spiky haired dude with a cool voice with double swords. You play as 4 characters at once, but control Lloyd directly. There are 8 characers, who are all really different from eachother. This makes the game really fun, as there are so many unison attacks and combos and strategies due to these varied characters.
Oh, and the story. According to my mathematical calculations...there are about 2000098674564000001162818217827172 characers. Yeah. By the way, this game will take you a LONG time to beat because of its huge story. When you play it the first time, you will play for about 16 hours and think you've won. But its only 1/3 of the game!!!! Man, its a great game, though
The battle system is the main reason of its greatness. It is done in real time, so no waiting around for turns. You control 4 characters at a time, leaving 3 characters to the computer(Which you can tweak to an insane amount of control). You can switch to any character on the fly. You can finally customize your character to a degree to which I have yet to see in a video game.
140 hours. Totally worth it. I love this game!