Hello everyone,
Here just following on with what I have been up to. I will start a few weeks back with my two new hobbies TKD and electric planes. I can say am very satisfied with the progress on Tae Kwon Do and I really enjoy it. About electric planes am a bit disappointed the same day I got it, the same day I broke it. I did some research and found out that the site where I bought my model from "raindentech" usually sells you an imitation of a model wich they assemble in China, imitation so cheaply made it's not even funny. This plane I bought wasn't that expensive but definitely it was not worth the money so when it comes to day I just take it easy for now on that until I cool off about that kinda discouraged me.
When it comes to games, I downloaded a free copy of Aegis Wingand it's not bad at all and even better it's FREE so hurry and get your copy on the XBL Marketplace since it's limited time only. Hopefully it's not too late. Also I got to enjoy my Halo 3 Beta, so far so good and I will be loading up a gameplay vid so that you guys can take a look. Maps are not bad and even though I have seen a few glitches and graphics still need some work It looks promising. Speaking of uploading videos I also uploaded my very fist video ever which I used to get familiarized with video making and editing. And I also got an emblem for it. :) Well for now that's all folks. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!