sorry bout the title compleatly random sh!t lol(dontcha love keenan and kel). ok back to buissness its seems that remiasz is back and for those that don't know he was the original leader of the golden kingz. idk how romix got in contact with him but it seems that they decided to have a brawl on friday to decide who takes leadership of the golden kingz well best of luck to the both of them they are both great leaders so to me its a win, win, situation.
and on other news i guess the wolf spammer incedent or whatever i aint gonna name no names but heres what i say they're grown enough to resolve this. its not that big of an issue ya know.
and other news its seems the S8 succesfully took down a clan called the wii-hunters idk how good this other clan is hopefully i can see for myself when i get back to the states. and other clan news the turnip swords and the elite15 have made an alliance. idk that much about the e15 i di know that there leader is thug2wasteland, i wanted to fight this dude before i left but i never got the chance. now seeing this dude lead his own clan only makes me wanna fight this dude more. he seems like a great opponent
anyways thats it for me l8terz