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Duplicates : DaMan's Collection: let's play it again!

Nothing special here just games with more than 1 copy while that has been the case for several and i'm actually have a few that will get there own blogs here are some games that repeat in my collection. and since I probably won't have much to talk about how the duplicate came to be.

Bastion (360) I think I got it on sale, or with games with gold, and with the of the xb1

Bastion (xb1) everyone who purchased the game got the xb1 version for free!

Funny thing I had not really played Bastion as much as I wanted at the time my 360 was in bad condition it would give me about 5 minutes of playtime before shutting down.

Castlestorm (360)

Castlestorm Definitive Edition (xb1)

Castlestorm hard to see what the fuss was all about this game it was alright I guess I got 'stuck' and said i'll come back to it, and never did.

Phantom Dust (OXB) Disc I was curious and got cheap pre-owned deal

Phantom Dust (XB1) This was made free when it was first released.

Pool Nation (360)

purchased to see if I could play it after dealing with *

Pool Nation FX (XB1)

Sleeping Dogs (360)

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition (XB1)

games with gold with both versions of the game.

Thief (360)

Thief (XB1) games with gold again

With these Dreamcast Shooters my excuse was to play the games in English.

and it didn't hurt that the 360 version of the games were on sale at purchase.

Triggerheart Exelica (DC)

Triggerheart Exelica (360)

Under Defeat (DC)

Under Defeat HD Edition (360)

The wolf among us (360) ep 1

The wolf among us (xb1) unsure if its just ep1 or the whole thing

World of Tanks Mercenaries (360)[they've been changing sub title quite a bit lately but its still the same game]

World of Tanks Mercenaries (XB1)

there are more duplicates but some of the others are part of a bigger collection which is why it's not here.