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Happy May the 4th, My Star Wars series of games

Added Star Wars Kotor (OXB) from the sale for May the 4th,

I’ll now star re-adding games to gamespot.

Technically I could add the LEGO Star Wars games, but decided against that. Then factor in the individual tables for Pinball FX2 & Pinball FX3 then this number skyrockets. I was not going to get KOTOR II cause I have a full plate at the moment with

PSO 2, Streets of Rage 4 and Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 (all XB1)

EDIT: Thinking about how I wanted to get the pair of games I went on and got Kotor II.

-Star Wars (SW)- games/series-

Star Wars Rebel Assault (SCD)

flying my fmv X-Wing on my way to blowing up the death star actually you flew different things in this game.

Star Wars BattleFront (OXB)

Got it with Games with Gold(GwG) although I had been thinking about the PS2 version

Star Wars BattleFront II(OXB)

GwG now I can compare the difference between this and the ps2 version of the game.

Star Wars BattleFront II(PS2)

If I recall correctly this game (might) still be playable online using lan, looking at X-Link Kai

both versions support lan gaming, but since the original hardware won't be able to use the downloaded game it still seems a no go.

Star Wars BattleFront (XB1)

Star Wars BattleFront II (XB1) [got it on 5/28/2022 during an xbox sale, $7.99]

Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (XB1) GwG

Since I missed the 1st two BF games in their heyday I thought i'd the current game ago while its popular, too bad I did not make time for it.

Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (OXB) GwG

Star Wars Kotor 2 (OXB) got on sale

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (XB1)

Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (OXB) GwG

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Republic Commando (OXB) GwG

Star Wars Squadrons (XB1) black friday 2020 $17.00!

Star Wars The Force Unleashed (360) Brother gave me his copy and like

the phantom menace new ways of using a lightsaber and then got it with GwG

I also read the book(s) I think there were 2 of them.

Star Wars The Force Unleashed II (360)

looking to get SW Jedi Fallen Order(XB1) [EDIT: got it on sale for $3.99]

I have all these titles for Pinball FX2(360) & Pinball FX3 (XB1) because it let me bring over most of them since I bought them already in Pinball FX2.

Star Wars Pinball (SWP)

SWP : Rogue One

SWP : The Force Awakens

SWP : The First Order

SWP : Rebels

SWP : Han Solo

SWP : Episode IV A New Hope

SWP : Droids

SWP : Masters of the Force

SWP : Episode VI Return of the Jedi

SWP : Starfighter Assault

SWP : Darth Vader

SWP : Episode V The Empire Strikes Back

SWP : Boba Fett

SWP : The Clone Wars

Nobody asked for but here are the LEGO STAR WARS GAMES that I have (cause of Games With Gold)

Lego Star Wars II

Lego Star Wars III

Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga

A long time ago back when my brother and I had a 2600 I believe we had The Empire Strikes Back cart.

Yes I like Star Wars I wouldn't call myself the biggest fan that would go to my former co-worker Chris.

I have watched all the movies, no Disney + so no mandalorian for me :(

I picked comics here and there usually my comics were on the 'bad' guys or the lesser known heroes

stuff like Crimson Guard (the adventures of a former Crimson Guard [The guys in Crimson who guarded the Empereror])

most of the stuff dealing with Boba Fett, Roque Squadron pilots.