I'll just start off and say I just wanted to be a blog about the Area 51 games
Area 51 (SAT)
Gun game played the heck out of it game even has the option to use 2 light guns with 1 life bar (instead of playng as 2 people)
Area -51 (PS2)
Got this to play online and I did as Lordnikon from onlineconsoles mentioned the game was good that the levels could be scaled to how many players were online.
Black Site Area-51 (360)
Not as much time with this one, still hearing Duchovny's voice was priceless.
Maximum Force (Sat)
Out of my Saturn guns this is not the bottom of the barrel, but its not in the top either; While the 1st three share the title Maximum Force shares the same kind of gunplay and secrets of the Area -51 (gun game)
but after watching this vid their were a few more games I own that lent themselves to the video so why not go ahead and add those too? well maybe not but since the following games don't have any collections I can add them too, i'm going to just run with it.
although Perfect Dark is in here & Deus Ex I only have
Perfect Dark Zero (360)
Deus Ex Human Revolution (360)
Alien Hominid (360)
DC Universe Online (f2p) (X1)
Hydro Thunder Hurricane (360) I'm thinking I will save this one for later.
Movies shows of course The X-Files which has David Duchovny who Ironically did voice work in the PS2 and Independence Day I'm pretty sure that's the tip of the iceberg and couldn't pull much up in my search.