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Rattlesnake! DaMan's Collection: Battle Arena Toshinden

sorry about the broke links since they went to 1up and 1up is no more...

also this blog was originally posted on 1up and moved to my wordpress where there's PICTURES this is a straight copy so let me add to the end...

Blog 200!!! Sneak Preview: The Lucky Ones, DaMan’s Collection: Rattlesnake! (1up archive) Sep 25, 2008 9:09PM PST

as anyone can tell from my journal count this actually blog 195? on Gamespot as you can tell this I blogged alot more and had friends comments to go along with them.

First of all let me apologize for explaining what i’ll be trying to do here but Battle Arena Toshinden was a game I was not too concerned with butchering with the extra talk I went with it.

Instead of focusing on a whole collection for a console or a particular game i’ll be doing this a little differently i’ll take a series of games I own (no matter which console or format) and try to take similar pics I kind of had this in mind with this blog but now i’ve added a few more things (where applicable). Games is pretty self explanatory its the games that are being talked about.

Now for something different I got the idea for this after seeing VGSsnatcher’s Ghost in the Shell collection blog1 and Blog 2 and Kazekiri’s collection blogs

The Games Battle Arena Toshinden PS1

Coolest fight, my Bro and me were playing with Eiji and Kayin and we were both dodging each other and trying to attack each other I ended up facing out towards the screen and threw a fireball that my brother dodged and it was like the fireball hit us when it came towards the screen.

Battle Arena Tohshinden Remix (Sat) Same game now with in between anime cut-scenes.

Neat or maybe cheesy in the Saturn version’s story mode not only do you get dialog between fights but you get actual talking along with the characters mouths moving.

Battle Arena Tohshinden 2 (PS1)

This is where I take a divergent path instead of just the games i’ll try to show off other items related to the game(s) in question. Manga/comics if there are anything of interest (well my interest anyway) i’ll mention it in this section it may or may not include books still on the fence about mentioning stuff I don’t own but that’ll be a case by case problem. [Edit. The solution is Wishlist]


a 1 issue preview in the pages of Game On magazine. for the Battle Arena Toshinden Manga.

Anime/ Movies if the item in question has a anime or movie I will list this with the collection. in some cases I might feel motivated to mention with the games movies that might not have anything to do with each other for instance in the above linked Rolling Staaart blog where I was talking about Daytona USA I would probably mention Days of Thunder (although I have to see it myself). I probably won’t be doing reviews for these items just simply letting everyone know about various stuff.

I will probably mention how much the movie sticks to the source material and if it would make sense in the game. if possible i’ll try to throw in a trailer / or intro but ideally I would aim to get a short one.


Battle Arena Toshinden Movie

How faithful to the source? for the most part it was until everyone starts using other peoples moves.

neat for the story but you’re not going to do that in the game.

score B–

Trailer for anime

Wishlist this is where I mention items to complete the collection / or stuff I can just simply live without I will probably miss some items I usually try to avoid buying the same game several times.


No not interested in completing the BAT collection on PS1 or SAT and BAT 3 got such bad reviews i’m not even considering it.

In the comments for the original blog Tohshinden 2 URA was pointed out as a better game on the Saturn while still not a I gotta have it, if I come across it cheap then I may consider it.

Edit: in 2020 Battle Arena Toshinden 4 has come out in 2000 ? wait aminute this blog was posted in 2008 oh I see in Japan and the PAL territorities not the US.