Not once but twice you've put out a game that I got without having the console to play it on.
1st time OutRun 2 the Original Xbox
2nd Shenmue III PS4
When I became a backer my choices were PC and PS4 this was a few years ago, so I believed the price of a PS4 would drop quite a bit in the time it took the game to come out, well my finances ain't that great and other obligations have me surrounded, so maybe Christmas 2020 when PS5 comes out and PS4 should be deeply cut (in theory)
well cut to today 11/18/19 guess what comes in the mail a day before the scheduled release Shenmue III.
and I just started replaying the series on xbox game pass
so for the collection I have
Shenmue DC (limited edition) thanks bro!
Shenmue II Xbox (never got around to playing it)
Shenmue III PS4 got it but no console to play it on, yeah I know I could've avoided this by getting the PC or both versions
I just prefer not to play that route, if I had the money for both I wouldn't be talking about not having a PS4 (or atleast I shouldn't )
Oh yeah the xbox, I did eventually get it after about 2 months of searching.